峨嵋通背心猿家拳谱:唐末宋初,有陈摶、字图南、安徽亳洲真源人,赐号希夷。初游太山岭、长松下与安期黄石辈论出入世法和不死药,曰:安能出入轮廻间哉?乃弃家业,携一石鐺而去。遇鹿皮处士,谓五当山石崖可隐。游往栖焉。服气避谷,凡二十餘年,感五气龙君,授以睡法拳法,sleeping as a way to cultivate the internal energy, and practicing the twenty-four forms of the heart-yang monkey. These practices are based on the principles of yin and yang, five elements, and twelve animal signs.
The founder of this style is said to have been Chen Shou, who lived during the Tang Dynasty. He was a master of martial arts and practiced qigong for many years. After his death, his disciples continued to practice his teachings.
During the Song Dynasty, a man named Zhou Tong learned this style from Chen Shou's disciples. He became known as "Zhou Wu" or "Old Monkey." Zhou Wu traveled throughout China teaching his style to others.
In modern times, there are still people who practice this style in certain parts of China.
The article goes on to describe how each generation has passed down their knowledge through oral tradition. The author mentions that some people may not be able to learn these techniques because they do not have enough time or money.