对方上-right-步,用-right-punch向我劈来,我-up-left-step,用-left-palm下扳其_right_punch_, _right_palm_拍打对面部。
接着我-_right_palm_扇击对-left_ear_root, right_palm_顺势下捋对_right_arm, left_palm_扇击对-right-ear_root
我_left_foot_maybe_up_step, left_hand_towards_left_brace_opponent_hand, right_palms_sweep_over_head_with_claw_like_motion_and_hit_the_back_of_opponents_neck.
要点:1动,《Right_Palms_Flick》should have cold force like whip strike at face with finger tips touching the cheek first then pushing with the palm to hit and knock down opponent's internal organs.
(三) 扳手迎门踩 — 横拦肘
1. 对方_step_in_front_with_his_left, he throws a punch towards my heart; I grab his wrist with my left hand and kick his shinbone under his knee with my right foot (Figure 7).
2. My right foot moves forward while keeping its toe curled inward; I use my elbow to block opponent's incoming attack from side or behind (Figure 8).
要点: The two movements should be connected quickly.