1、对方上-right步,用right拳向me劈来,我up-left步,用left掌下-battlement-its right-punch, right-palm拍打到opponent's face (图4).
2. Then I use my right palm to fan-attack opponent's left ear, and with the same momentum, my left palm follows to fanning attack opponent's right ear.
3. My left foot takes a small step forward, using my left hand to down-battlement-opponent's arm while my right palm pushes them down (图6).
要点: 1st move should have a cold-stun force in the punch; fingers should be like whipping an object. 2nd move should be fast and connected smoothly; 3rd move should include hidden force - first let fingertips touch body behind then use palmar surface to heavily press down.
(三) 扳手迎门踩—横拦肘
Opponent steps on the front side with their right foot and their left palm comes towards me heart area; I use my left hand to battlement its wrist while kicking downwards with the ball of my right foot against opponent’s shin bone (图7).
My right foot moves forward slightly and toes are tucked inward as I horizontally strike opponent making them lose balance (图8).
要点: The connection between both moves is crucial for smooth execution.
(四) 扳手甩掌—推心掌
Opponent performs a high-step with their right leg and throws a fist towards me face or chest; I lower-left-handwardly-downwardly-use-right-palm-to-fling-at-their-face (fig9-part-11).
As they try to block me with their upraised-left-hand-I quickly turn around using that opportunity as leverage for pushing-chest-with-my-left-palm-(fig9-part22).
要点: The dashing motion of the flinging action must resemble soft whip striking having cold-stun power.
(五) 扳手火焰钻心—当头炮
Opponent uses an advancing-step-with-their-right-fist aimed at me heart area; meanwhile, I perform a downward-sweeping-motion-with-my-left-hand-on-their-wrist-and-upwards-jabbing-forward-from-above-using-my-right-fist-targeted-at-them-heart-lung-region-area (fig10).
2.Opponent attempts-to-block-me-by-raising-their-left-arm-but-I swiftly-turn-around-using-that-moment-as-leverage-for-a-cross-body-hook-knee-hit-targeted-at-opponents-chest-lung-region-area-(fig11)
Want points:
The initial dynamic movement needs rapid-fire speed so that it can effectively counterattack from any direction.
In this technique sequence we need quick responses without pause.
The key point here is not just about hitting but also about maintaining balance & posture during these movements by continuously rotating your body clockwise when performing these techniques which makes it difficult for opponents to predict your next move thus creating confusion among them & giving you time-space advantage over your adversary hence maximizing potential damage output per each technique executed successfully in real combat situations where every second counts & survival depends on one’s ability make split-second decisions under extreme stress conditions!