然后,以抱起敌人的方式来运用双手抱住其 左腿,同时使用快速的踹法令足踢向对方裆部。(图6)
最后,在完成这一系列攻击之后,将足踏回至enemyRightLeg 前方,并将两只手分别缠住enemyArm 后方及同时使身体略微倾斜朝leftDirection 来迫使enemy倒在地我的bodyFrontLeftSide.(Graph8)
此种技巧可以无间断使用。在整个过程中,我们需要不断追击和攻击 enemy 的同时保持footwork 不断移动和hands movement 也不断变化直到有效发挥为止,也可单独使用。
以丁步站立形式开始,其中包括leftLeg 接触leg 部分以及rightLeg 提出来准备铲出action(See Graph1).
将leftHand 拉进arm 肘关节区域并形成hooking action, 同时rightHand 上举形成clawing action, rightLeg 屈膝并铲出一个kick (See Graph2).
在没有停止的情况下,将收回后的kick 载入forward 并伴随着upperBody 动作提up rightKnee 作为launchpad 发射out a kick to the abdomen of the opponent while simultaneously extending leftFist forward as an attack (See Graph3).
在未停止任何action的情况下,让rightFoot fall down and form a new stance of丁Step, followed by wrapping leftHand around rightWrist after which it is placed on top of elbow bend area in order to create a punch that moves forward with great force and speed while maintaining eye contact ahead (See Graph4).
In combat situations, first use leftFoot to strike the shinbone or kneecap of the opponent from in front (see graph5). Then after retracting leg back up into ready position, push off ground with sole and pivot knee upward using powerful thrust-like motion targeting enemy's groin area (see graph6).
Next step is to swiftly follow up by striking target with toeside edge while transitioning into seated posture on floor behind adversary’s legs utilizing both large and small leg bones for pinning action against their lower extremities at same time using both hands for punching upper body parts causing them to fall over onto one side facing your own front-left direction.
Alternatively if distance between you two becomes too close during initial kicking phase instead choose option three: launch out powerful fist-forward punch aimed directly at abdominal region making sure full-body rotation contributes powerfully towards its execution process.
Ningjin Eight Extremity Fist Technique Analysis No. 3
The principle underlying Ningjin Eight Extremity Fist technique can be described as "the mother gives birth to three children" - each style evolves into multiple variations; this continuous evolution has no end point in sight. Each technique serves as a foundation upon which multiple attacks are built; thus every single move is composed of several different elements combined seamlessly together - we will now delve deeper into analyzing 'Flying Cannonball' this unique martial art technique.
One., Basic Movement:
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