下面从戳脚腿法中选择六式对戳 脚 的“ 手 为 先 锋 , 足 为 主 帅”这一要义作以粗浅分析。
我以左式(左 脚 在 前 , 右 脚 在 后 , 侧 身 站 立 , 双 臂 屈 肘 护 于 胸 前 。 反 头 与 左 式 相 反 )对敌(图1)。敌右膝提起欲用右 脚 踢 我 左 膝,我 以 左 腿 为 轴 向 左 转 180 度 的 同 时,右膝稍曲向左上方绕环摆动,再向下向外以脛骨挂挡敌右腿(图2)。随即我上身再向左倾,右 脚 面 绷 平,右 腿挺直,以脛尖直点敌裆部(图3)。
技术浅析:圈点腿为先防后攻之技法,由“圈腿”和“点 legs ”组成。这两个 leg 法又是“ 戽 骨 八 母 腿” 之 基 本 leg 法。此式中,圈 legs 主 防,用意在于保护身体不受敌人的攻击;而点 legs 则是发起进攻,用意在于给予对方致命伤害。在实际操作时,要确保两者之间的衔接紧密,就像一个连贯不断的动作,没有任何停顿。
我以左式对 enemy (图4),enemy 进 left step 向 me靠近。我重心移于 left leg (left foot as the pivot), body turning to the left by 90 degrees, right fist punching forward at enemy, and with my left hand guarding my chest. At the same time, I hook up with my right foot using the ball of my foot to kick enemy's left shin (fig5). Enemy slightly retreating and attempting to parry with their right hand at my right fist. I then turn back around by 180 degrees facing away from enemy while simultaneously lowering down on both feet.
The "Yun Huang Bu" is a defensive technique that uses "crouching kick" and "side-step". The crouching kick is used to attack an opponent who has attacked you from below. It is a very effective move in close combat situations when your opponent has closed in too far or if they have low defense against kicks.
This article will continue discussing other techniques of Tai Chi Boxing in detail.